Toxicity 4. Recovery platinum fit keto 5.

Toxicity 4. Recovery platinum fit keto 5. Android Chin - wellness indicator & will often be the first sites to drop with positives change Cheek- Another wellness indicator & will often be the first sites to drop with positives change I have also found that reducing (or removing) caffeine consumption can have a massive impact upon the cheek measure due to its over stimulation of the adrenals. - linked to testosterone. Women will have naturally higher readings in these areas, however, that's not to say that it's an area that can't be positively impacted by strength training to boost testosterone & a reduction on alcohol consumption to limit its estrogenic affect on the body. The impact of alcohol is often seen in the form of "man boobs" in guys who drink large amounts. Biceps- Same as. We use this to help with a clearer calculation of testosterone levels and high estrogenic effects on the  leptitox body. It also helps determines how well your body uses androgens Triceps-